12. júl. 2007


Fékk æði fyrir Alanis Morissette um daginn. Vínkonur mínar hlustuðu mikið á hana á sínum tíma en ég féll ekkert. En núna finnst mér þessi kona frábær. Hefur reyndar alltaf fundist myndböndin hennar snild en þetta er ALGJÖR SNILD hjá henni!

Las þetta svo um snildina inná Wikipedia, Alanis Morissette covered the song in 2007, seemingly as an April Fools' Day prank, although she has not confirmed this.[6] In contrast to the original "My Humps", Morissette's cover is performed slowly and in the style of a ballad, with only a piano accompanying the vocal. On April 2, a video in which Morissette parodies Fergie's dancing moves in the original "My Humps" music video was added to the website YouTube. By April 3, the video was the most viewed on Technorati,[7] and it was viewed 4 million times six days later.[6] The Associated Press wrote that Morissette's "quiet, somber version only highlights the ridiculousness of Fergie's original lyrics".[8] The video has been hosted on Morissette's official website. TIME stated that the parody proved that Morissette "under[stands]" irony, in reference to her hit single, Ironic. On April 15, Fergie confirmed to E! News that she thought that the cover was "hilarious", and "genius". Fergie also said that she sent Alanis a cake in the shape of a "derriere".

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